Today Eternally-4U and Mountain West Church collaborated effort to serve our friends at Hurt Park, was an awesome experience. On a chilly day at the park, we were able to give donuts and hot coffee that was welcome by many. The continued support of coats, hats, in addition to our recurrent donation of toiletry bags filled with (socks, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, washcloth, Q-tips, dental floss, and razors) along with pastry/cookies, water, and chips; we also provided shelter resources, clothes (shirts, briefs, pants) and shoes. Eternally-4U, thank you for your donations and prayers, thank you for trusting us to provide aid to a community that is at times discarded. We also thank God for His faithfulness, covering us with protection and safety. Until we talk again, love you all, with the love of Jesus.
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